Our Warranty

Sharp’s Mountain Outdoor Gear is a small American manufacturer near the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. We are committed to building the highest quality products for your real life outdoors. Everything that we make here in our production shop comes with our lifetime rugged guarantee.
We pride ourselves in making tactical quality products to organize your gear…for a lifetime of use. Every Sharp’s Mountain branded product comes with our guarantee to you. Here's the fine print:
- Rugged Quality: We design and build our products to last a lifetime of outdoor use. That means we make our products with the most durable materials and heavy duty construction.
- Gold Star Customer Support: We are happy to fix or replace anything that is produced in our shop - because people who are hard on gear are our kind of people.
- American Made: We are focused on keeping the tradition of quality American manufacturing alive here in rural Virginia. Come by the shop and see how it’s done.
- Always Improving: We're real people, focused on helping you improve your real life outdoors. We care about your experience with us and are committed to continually improving. We want your feedback!

Third Party Products
We recommend and sell a variety of outdoor gear and other products that are not produced by us. Please note that anything produced by a third party will have it's own manufacturer's warranty and is not covered by the Sharp’s Mountain warranty. Also, at times, we offer morale patches and t-shirts that may have our logo or other messaging on it. We warranty these products but they are not made in-house.